• Phd Program Amsterdam

    Up to date information on all scholarships for Holland can always be found on their website www. NUFFIC are also the ones looking after the validation procedures for foreign diplomas and qualifications, so one can also get in touch with them about the evaluation of foreign educational documents and credentials.
    You can also have an overview of which grants and scholarships foreign students are eligible for, on the website www. Holland, although the list of grants there need not be exhaustive.
    Below is an overview of the major scholarships available to foreign students in Holland:

    Up to date information on all scholarships for Holland can always be found on their website www. NUFFIC are also the ones looking after the validation procedures for foreign diplomas and qualifications, so one can also get in touch with them about the evaluation of foreign educational documents and credentials.
    You can also have an overview of which grants and scholarships foreign students are eligible for, on the website www. Holland, although the list of grants there need not be exhaustive.
    Below is an overview of the major scholarships available to foreign students in Holland:

    This scholarship is being transformed into a larger- scale programme, the Huygens Scholarship Programme (HSP), therefore the conditions of applying for the scholarship will also be changing and will be announced in the near future. These details will be available on the NUFFIC website at www. Socrates

    This scholarship is issued for the purpose of studying for a certain amount time in another European country after you have been accepted to a university in your own country. The home institution of the student must have been given the European University Charter by the European Commission and must also have a bilateral agreement with an institution in Holland. The web page of the scholarship in Holland is www. Information can also be found on the local website of the Socrates National Agency in your own country.

    Holland. The home institution of the student must be part of the Leonardo programme for the student to be able to participate. The amount and criteria for the grant vary according to the student’s home institution, therefore the student can either contact their own school or go to the website http: //europa.

    Learn about Padmanee Sharma, MD, PhD's work at MD Anderson within the department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology. Why not doing a PhD in The Netherlands? Apart from science, there are plenty of non-scientific reasons to do a PhD in The Netherlands.

    The grants can be used either for Master’s studies, Doctoral studies, short courses, training courses or refresher courses in Holland. The programme currently operates in 5. European students. This scholarship is also administered by Dutch embassies in the participating countries. More specific information can be obtained at www.

    The Tempus Programme

    Students can participate in exchange programmes within the extent of these partnerships. The student’s home institution provides them with information about existing partnerships. For information, consult www. DELTA – Dutch Education: Learning at Top Level Abroad

    Tinbergen Institute is one of Europe's top graduate schools and research institutes in economics, econometrics and finance located in the Netherlands.

    Courses Spend a semester or even a whole year studying in Amsterdam! Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers about 300 Bachelor’s courses in English. Many Master’s courses are also open for exchange students. Tuesday 2 August 2016. Ice-breaker in the evening sponsored by (Partners welcome, location to be announced) Wednesday 3 August 2016. 10:00 – 12:00 hours: Opening ceremony with keynote speaker Reverend Mpho Tutu – van Furth.

    The DELTA programme is set up for participating Dutch institutions to give scholarships to students from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam, in the form of compensating their costs of study in Holland. The students must already have been admitted to a Dutch study programme, they must not be older than 3. Holland, conduct research or study at Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph. D level, or do an internship in Holland. There may also be specific requirements set by the students’ home institutions which they must fulfill. More specific information can be seen at www.

    Phd Program Amsterdam

    DELTA- flyer- engels. STUNEDPhd Program Amsterdam

    The programme is supported by the Dutch government through the Netherlands Education Centre. More specific information about the scholarship can be found at www. Layout. 3/nec. Students can find information about the criteria either at their home institution or at www.


    More information on the application criteria at www. NWOP. The application procedure starts at the JMF Placement Agency in Ankara, Turkey. More information is available at www. Matra Training for European CooperationPhd Program AmsterdamPhd Program Amsterdam

    • 2016 PhD Day Groningen. Computer Simulation of Human Behaviour. One of the big challenges for science is to understand how the mind works.
    • The Netherlands Cancer Institute, for more than 100 years at the international forefront of cancer research and treatment.
    • Bailey Barnard Art, Architecture and Gift-Exchange in Ancient Greece. Bailey Barnard is a second year PhD student focusing on the art and architecture of gift-exchange in ancient Greece. She completed her MA in art history.
    • The Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP) is part of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. We are committed to the highest standards of critical academic scholarship.

    This scholarship programme is meant for students from countries which have recently joined the EU, countries that will do so in the near future, or countries bordering the EU. There are scholarships for an MSc in Environmental Sciences at the Wageningen University and an L. L. M. More information about the scholarship is available at www. United Nations scholarship programmes

    Students can also apply for a number of other exchange programmes, for example European students have the Erasmus programme, Americans can apply for the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) or the above mentioned Fulbright programme, and there are more bilateral exchange agreements between institutions of different countries, for which information can be obtained form the student’s home institution.



    Macquarie University - Cotutelle & Joint Ph. D Programs. Cotutelle & Joint Ph. D Programs. A Cotutelle and Joint Ph. D program is a Ph. D program where a candidate is jointly enrolled at two universities, and spends time at each university. A candidate is jointly supervised by academic/research staff at each institution and upon.

    Doctor of Philosophy, or equivalent title. Macquarie University has been participating in cotutelle degree programs since 1. These became a formal component of our research strategy in 2. The aim is to establish deep, continuing relationships with international research universities through the joint research candidate supervision.

    By. the end of 2. Ph. D candidates with more than 1. China, Germany and France. As such, the cotutelle and joint Ph. D schemes are open to both international and domestic Ph. D candidates. Scholarship and travel funds are provided to eligible candidates.

    These are in addition to the existing MQRES and IPRS fundings. Cotutelle vs. Joint Ph. DCotutelle model. Under the Cotutelle model, the student is enrolled at both universities and fees are payable at the. Macquarie University always charges fees for the full. The dates of initial enrolment may be different at the two. The. entrance requirements for each university are fully respected.

    Both. universities will appoint at least one of its staff as the supervisor. The. supervisors are encouraged to maintain contact with each other. For each such student there will be an agreement, signed by suitable authorities at each university, specifying inter alia. This. must be completed before the student enrols in the partner university. The. student spends approximately half their time at each university, with a minimum of 1. This may be in one or more periods of time, subject to funding and the. Each university makes its own.

    There is no removal. At the conclusion of the.

    Each university's examination process. Each. university makes its own decision about the award of the degree. If successful at each university, the candidate can attend a graduation.

    The degree titles awarded may be. The testamurs (degree certificates). Cotutelle Sample Testamur. Joint degree model. For. any joint degree there will be an umbrella framework agreement that.

    This will be signed by suitable authorities in. The Senate of Macquarie University needs to approve the universities that collaborate with Macquarie University on Joint Ph. D programs. Under the Joint Ph. D model, the candidate is enrolled at both. Macquarie. University always charges fees for the full duration of candidature but. There is a. joint decision to admit the student to the joint degree program. The. dates of initial enrolment may be different at the two universities but.

    The entrance. requirements for each university are fully respected. Both. universities will appoint at least one of its staff as the supervisor. The. supervisors are encouraged to maintain contact with each other. For each such student there will be an agreement, signed by suitable authorities at each university, specifying inter alia.

    This. must be completed before the student enrols in the joint program. It is. understood that the student may be transferred from an initial single. The. student spends approximately half their time at each university, with a. This may be in one or more periods. Each university makes its own decisions about.

    Progress assessment of the. The joint decisions.

    AND the. umbrella framework agreement. At the conclusion of the research, a. This may be either one of the. If successful the student is able then to graduate and. The degree title is. The testamur (degree certificate).

    Joint Ph. D Sample Testamur. Key Differences. Cotutelle. Joint Ph. D. Joint enrolment at MQ and an overseas university.

    Joint enrolment at MQ and an overseas university. Priority institutional partners – but open to all universities subject to approval. Institutional partners require Academic Senate Approval. Institutional memorandum of understanding (MOU) not compulsory. Institutional MOU/agreement required. Separate progress assessments.

    One university is designated as the lead. Single thesis submitted to both universities. Single thesis submitted to the lead university. Separate examination. Joint examination. Two testamurs. One joint testamur. Two graduation ceremonies.

    One graduation ceremony. General Guidelines for Cotutelle/Joint Ph. D Programs. Degree Eligibility.

    Cotutelle and Joint Ph. Ds programs are only available for Ph. D programs. We currently do not engage in joint supervision programs for Master of Research. Candidate Eligibility. All candidates must meet Macquarie University's Ph.

    D entry requirements. Supervisors and candidates can also check to see if they. Scholarship Requirements webpage. Further information on Cotutelle/Joint Ph.

    D Scholarships is in the next tab below. Enrolment Period. The joint enrolment period is a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of  3. At least 1 year must be spent at each university. The duration. will depend on the individual candidate's situation and previous. Supervisory Format. A candidate will have a principal supervisor at both Macquarie University, and at the overseas partner university.

    The expectation is that the supervisors arrange telephone/skype meetings with each other at least twice per year to ensure that they are guiding the candidate appropriately towards a single. Cotutelle/Joint Ph.

    D Agreement. A legal agreement must be signed between the two institutions. The Higher Degree Research Office will manage the agreement negotiations and the final agreement must be signed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) who has the delegated authority to do so at Macquarie University. To initiate this process, Macquarie University supervisors must complete the Cotutelle/Joint Ph. D Proposal Form. The legal agreement can take anywhere between 3- 7 months to be finalised. This should be factored in when making arrangements with a candidate. Thesis Submission & Examination.

    For a Cotutelle, the same thesis must be submitted to both universities for separate examination. For a Joint Ph. D the thesis is submitted to the .

    The Cotutelle/Joint Ph. D Scholarship includes: Scholarship for tuition fees for up to 3 years. Stipend while on campus at Macquarie University.

    Travel Allowance. The total value of the Cotutelle/Joint Ph. D Scholarship is approx $1. MQ. Stipend. Unless otherwise stipulated in an agreement, Cotutelle and Joint Ph. D candidates receive a living allowance (stipend) paid at the Australian Postgraduate Award rate.

    This is paid pro- rata for the period they are on campus at Macquarie University. The APA rate is currently $2. Travel Allowance. Unless otherwise stipulated in an agreement, all Cotutelle & Joint Ph. D candidates are entitled to one return economy airfare from their home universities nearest major airport to Sydney, Australia.

    Travel must be. undertaken in accordance with the Macquarie University Travel Policy and must be booked by the Higher Degree Research Office. In. order to book flights, eligible candidates should submit the Cotutelle/Joint. Degree Airfare Request Form along with a copy of their passport hdrcotutelle@mq. We will then arrange to book flights on. This applies to both inbound and outbound. How will I benefit from this program?

    Candidate benefits. Exposes candidates to different academic environments through joint enrolment and supervision. It enhances a candidate's training experiences and gives them access to the latest research equipment and technologies at two institutions. Provides candidates with international networking opportunities that will expand their future employment opportunities – whether through exposure to new academic institutions or new industries.

    Candidates are able to write one thesis that is examined at two universities. Candidates may have access to new funding schemes. Personal benefits of experiencing a new culture and environment. This obviously provides new personal experiences for the candidate but has the added effect of allowing them to further develop their soft skills. Institutional benefits. Deepens and strengthens research collaborations and networks at an individual and institutional level.

    Fosters a higher level of cooperation between researchers in their respective fields through co- supervision. Provides access to new funding schemes and access to new international enrolments. Provides an opportunity to increase joint publications, citation rate and rankings.

    The candidate benefits (listed below) make the institution more attractive to potential candidates. Cotutelle partner universities.

    Cotutelle partner universities are assessed according to their research credentials and collaborative relationship with Macquarie University. They are assigned to one of the three 'priorities': Priority 1: Priority cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. Priority 2: Preferred cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. Priority 3: Prospective cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. Priority 1: Priority cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. Priority 1 universities are research- intensive universities with strong research collaboration relationships (or potential) with Macquarie University.

    For prospective joint Ph. D applicants from these universities, a cotutelle or joint Ph.

    D MQRES scholarship can be approved for award at any time for qualified. Priority 2: Preferred cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. Priority 2 universities are other preferred international partner institutions which have existing or are in the process of establishing a formal research collaboration relationship with Macquarie. Prospective joint Ph. D applicants from these universities are assessed competitively by Higher Degree Research. Committee (HDRC).

    Priority 3: Prospective cotutelle and joint Ph. D partners. For prospective joint Ph. D applicants from universities not listed in the above tables, a special case needs to be made for by the principal supervisor and Associate Dean - HDR of the relevant Faculty.

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